This past Saturday, my friend Emily and I ran the SYTO Virtual 5K from
The Boring Runner
If you don't follow him on twitter @theboringrunner, you probably should. Very "tongue in cheek" humor, which I appreciate.
Saturday started at 5:15 AM for me. I had a 14 mile training run on the docket, and was planning on finishing it at Emily's house, and then just running the 5K from there. Well, while running my 14 miler, I remembered that it takes what seems like countless ages, to cross the major intersections I would need to cross to get to her house. So, I scrapped that plan and decided to run a route by my house and then drive over. So, I did my 14 miler. Oh, did I forget to mention? It was 75 degrees and 90% humidity at 6 AM. By the time I finished my training run, rehydrated, stretched and drove to Emily's house, there was not a single inch of me that was dry. Also, my deepest sympathies to the folks who were subjected to my first trial run of my new compression shorts. They were rather short....Yes, I know....
Upon arrival at Emily's house at 9:30 AM, we warmed up (although with the 85 degree temps with 90% humidity), it's safe to say we were already warmed up....We set out on our 3.1 journey, and were immediately struck by how STIFLING the air was. Shrugging it off, we pressed through Emily's pre-mapped route. Since we live in a place called Farmington HILLS, there were a few tiny hills on this run, but mercifully there were no large hills, because Emily probably would've had to carry me up them.
Around 2 miles, my legs were dying and sweat was flying off of both of us. I didn't even know if I had any sweat left. Poor Emily, she put up with my extremely slow pace, and for that I am very grateful. We finished in 31:30. Our worst time for a 5K ever. We're going to go ahead and blame the heat, because we were too busy "Sweating our Thorns Off." When we arrived back at Emily's house, her kind mother took pity on my 17 total miles that day, and made me a delicious omelet. No pictures of said omelet, because I was too busy eating...Well, on ward and upward. Check back next weekend for a recap of my first team 10K. GO GIRLS FROM THE HILLS!
My 14 miler before the 5K |
Em and I before our 5K |
After. There was alot of sweating... |
Thanks, Amanda for this lovely profile. |
SYTO 2012 |
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